Aug 4, 2024

The mind of meditation and yoga. Why yoga is not just a workout.


or a yoga studio to train world-class athletes,  this unique ability comes from experienced teachers studying how both a workout mind works and how the yoga mind works and learning to bridge the gaps between them. Hence, athletes perform better at their craft and beat competition without wasting energy on aggression or wasting valuable mind space on failures.

Athletes perform better at their craft and beat competition

Meet the yoga-minded studio, a one-of-a-kind establishment in Orlando. Our teachers are not products of gym-style studios, but born from the essence of yoga.  Our courses are not about vanity, but about enhancing concentration, focus, and fitness through balance.  

Strength and flexibility are the great side-effects of yoga-meditation.
Strength and flexibility are the great side-effects of yoga-meditation.

What is the Yoga mind?

Yes, yoga involves relaxation, but that comes from a space of stability, endurance, and a long-standing ability to navigate challenges without being forceful or aggressive. Our classes focus on the yoga mind, where we guide you into the challenge but help you navigate it by leaning into it rather than pushing and forcing through it.  

World-class athletes know they need the ability to endure long hours of challenge, and yoga helps them achieve that by creating a mental space conducive to long hours of concentrated focus.  

Why are some yoga classes paced so fast and CPY's classes are regulated and step-by-step?

Often, the workout mind has a mindset of getting things done quickly and moving on to the next experience before boredom or recognition of pain in the body sets in.  This is why so many yoga classes move so fast. They aren't using their yoga mind to guide sessions. And I want to be clear: This is not a bad thing. It's just different from what we do here, where we place a significant emphasis on mindfulness and breath control.

These elements are crucial in our slower-paced yoga practice, as they affect the mind and body in a unique way. We move breath-by-breath with a concentrated effort on feeling every moment, knowing every breath, and stabilizing the body with strength and openness.

Many masters of yoga believe that the physical fitness and concentration efforts of a yogi must match the same concentration and fitness of an Olympic athlete.  So, the experience of pushing the body and enduring the challenges is not foreign to masterful yoga practice.  In fact, it is the core of it.  

The art of shifting judgement and competition into something beneficial.

One of the most significant shifts in the mind is the competitive and judging space. We transform that space through practice. Using controlled physical and mental efforts, we can work on the mind space and change the competitive energy into a beneficial analytical nature and the judging nature into awareness and focus. 

This transformation leads the practitioner into a meditative state where time seems to both slow down and speed up.  The class seemed to end so quickly,  but the awareness of time moving was actually slowed down into long moments of slow breathing and step-by-step placement.  

Get long term results with CPY.

The experience of our unique approach is so profound that once a student feels it, there's no going back to the now common, workout-minded yoga. Our method is not just about immediate results, but about long-term transformation and sustainability in your yoga practice.

No other workout minded experience of yoga can match it. That's why when you practice at CPY, most of the students here have 10-20 years of practice with us. There is something so special about the experience, and having a teacher who can recognize and supportively guide you there is simply… unexplainable.

This long-term commitment is a testament to the profound and unique benefits of yoga-minded practice.

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