Behind the CPY LUV

A quarter of a century of yoga knowledge is here.

Welcome to CPY.  We are the studio that inspires a genuine yoga practice beyond the poses.

What makes CPY…CPY?
At CPY, it's more than just yoga, it's a vibrant community. Our students, the beating heart of CPY, come from diverse backgrounds, spanning the ages of 9 to 93!  We're a place where everyone, regardless of age or experience, can discover their yoga sanctuary and feel a part of something extraordinary.  Join the only yoga studio with N0-Level yoga classes.

Theresa and Calvin are the directors of LUV CPY

WE GIVE A 100%!

It's never too late! All ages & all beings welcome!

At CPY, we challenge the misconception that CPY yoga is easy just because we can teach a 93-year-old Chaturanga Dandasana (low plank pose, think of a low push-up aligned) is a challenging pose for anyone, regardless of age.  We don't just lie around on our mats and hope for something to happen.  Our students dedicate themselves to the practice of breathing and aligning, which, over time, naturally leads to a yoga practice that is meditative, flexible, and strong. 

We don't categorize our classes as 'beginner' or 'advanced' because real yoga transcends levels. With over two decades of teaching experience, we have seen the transformative power of yoga happen for our students. Our commitment to your success as a yoga student is unwavering. We have witnessed students completely alter their emotions, renew their relationships enthusiastically, deepen their faith in their beliefs, and rebound from injury and pain. When you face a challenge, we will be your guiding light, helping you to persevere.

We will be a guide that will hold a light for you as you navigate the challenge.


Why not study with teachers who will give the experiences that make the concepts of yoga real-life moments. Yoga is more than words and languages; it's the experience of those concepts coming to life. We aren't going just to run you through a sequence of postures and let you do whatever you feel like doing.

While that idea of yoga freedom may sound appealing, a practice without structure can be chaotic, whimsical, and unsustainable. At our studio, we teach you the art of sustaining happiness and peace, even in the face of life's challenges. We guide you in practicing yoga with discipline, all while having a great time!

Experienced thoughtful instruction combined with a love of caring for others come together in an unpretentious atmosphere where every detail is suited to your well being... Said by Kelly J. - they are a CPY'er for life.

The strength you need when you need it

As the world changes, we stand firm, ready to support you like a mountain. You don't need a teacher who will simply reassure you; you need someone who holds compassion and confidence to guide you through the changes and challenges you face. Whether it's emotional, spiritual, physical, or an illness you're dealing with, we're here to provide the strength you need when you need it, helping you overcome it all.

we love yoga and tea. we are very serious about good quality tea and good quality yoga too.  They go hand in hand.  Just ask the monks in the monasteries, they drink the finest green tea too. oh, please don't take that last remark as if I am comparing us to monks.  its just an observation.
we love everything classic. From  scooters, to cars, clothing,  music, and movies, to yoga.  There is nothing like riding a classic 1960's lambretta to the sunset and  watching the darkness of the night  fall on orlando's skyline. one of our favorite summer orlando events.

The cookies and tea studio. We are serious about yoga. Just as serious as Brits are about their afternoon tea and cookies.

When we both started yoga, we were severely injured, limited by pain, tension, and significant physical limitations. We were both experiencing depression from Theresa losing her dad at a young age, the loss practically crushing her little soul to pieces, and Calvin's life always filled with violence and trauma; it was amazing we even made it out of our homes to find each other.

When we started yoga, moving our bodies daily was an intense and healing experience. We devoted ourselves to learning about every breath and every movement.  The physical and mental challenges we faced made learning yoga postures hard. But we were focused, and something about the magical breath work kept pulling us back inward. We practiced with PBS specials, including 30 minutes of yoga with Allen Finger.

Then we tried a gym yoga class, but the teachers constantly argued about the sequence, and we felt like we wanted more realness, something doubtless.

We are here to give you an experience, not the idea of an experience.

So, we ventured on our own and sought out what a genuine yoga practice was. Instead of turning outward and trying to gather information from unreliable resources, we tuned in and discovered the wisdom of yoga there.   When we made this change, yoga shifted not only our bodies but also our minds.  The injuries we had sustained from our past were Calvin with a shattered ankle and bad knees, Theresa with severe back pain by 17 years of age, and two badly injured knees, ankles, and shoulders. We kept moving with the pain, altering our postures; even when other teachers weren't willing to instruct or help us because "we were too injured to learn yoga practice," - we kept going.   

Our devotion grew, and our knowledge base grew, and when we worked closely with some of the great yogis of our time, we knew (and they knew) without a doubt, we were on the right path. We trusted the yoga practice instead of putting our faith in teachers who were too lazy or insecure to teach those with pain, injuries, and mental anguish.

Yoga isn't rocket science, but it is a discipline. Like any fine discipline, yoga is a constant practice and will calm the body and the mind in time. Be a part of lessening the chaos and confusion about yoga. Learn yoga from teachers who also practice it.

(...Keep reading, there's more! You got this! It's a lot to take in, but trust us, its worth the time you spend!)

Theresa and Calvin have many loves, and one of those loves is bridging the loves of two humans in a celebration of unity! You can hire these two to officiate your wedding and write a personal and memorable ceremony.

Age is just a number and it doesn't define YOU.

We are here to offer a path of relief for those in pain, a beacon of hope for those who have aged and think their pain is forever, and a way to alter the effects of aging on the mind and body.

Our aim is to help you find comfort, teach you how to breathe, and guide you in adjusting the effects of aging. We will never say yoga cures anything or defies aging, but we know it is beneficial and have seen it alter many lives and help many people, including ourselves. We want you to know yoga, to love and practice it as much as we do.

Calvin is in his fifties, Theresa is catching up quickly, and we both are floored about our body's ability to move through life. We don't have the same arthritic pains as our peers, and we don't have mental limits associated with age because we practice yoga. You, too, can feel better about life and have joy, peace, or both.  All this can happen while sharing tea and cookies with your yoga teachers.

Can’t think of more enjoyable yoga experience.
Jack G. - a long time CPY student.

We are serious about yoga, and we are serious about tea,

but when you meet us, you won't even know how intense we are about practice because our hearts are as light as feathers. We both have a GenX sense of humor (this here means we aren't sensitive to anyone's beliefs, political, religious, gender, or sexuality; we embrace it all, but we don't feel like we have to write lengthy dissertations about our inclusivity; we are that way through our actions of joy, acceptance and love).

People find our human acceptance and tolerance natural, joyful, and easygoing.

Even when life has been challenging, they often discover themselves laughing with us for no known cause. This is one reason why it's hard for our students to explain why they love to be in our classes and private lessons.

It is challenging to put into words just how thoughtful classes are at College Park Yoga. Both Theresa and Calvin are beyond experienced and lovely to learn from. Anyone, at any level, can step into the room without a worry and can expect to leave feeling accomplished and ready to take on life with a better mind set.
Jen C. - after only a few sessions with us and this is their experience at CPY.

And you know that words need action, at CPY we take action.

We practice the yoga of action(karma yoga), and our actions reflect both our humanity and our divinity. See us in action and practice with us.

Inclusive, yes; yoga YouTube loving, not really. If you tell us about your latest YouTube lesson, we may not be as reactive as one may have hoped, only because we are here to give you an experience, not the idea of an experience. YouTube is great for learning how to change a tire or understanding the mathematics behind the earth's rotation. Calvin used YouTube to learn how to replace the radiator on his car. But when it comes to yoga, even the ancient texts agree that you need a teacher you trust to guide you.

Our purpose in being here for our students is to help them learn a yoga that helps them face the real and tangible world. We are in person to teach one-on-one and give the experience of yoga we would have loved when learning how to practice yoga. We always looked for a teacher to guide us and put our faith in, and we give you that experience unequivocally! And we give you that here in Orlando, FL.! You don't have to fly to exotic lands to find a teacher, we are right here, in your city!

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Devoted to the core

We are both seekers of genuine experience. The yoga texts explain that elevated states of being come from dedication and continued effort, a higher elevation of spirit will sustain the practitioner.

That is the practice we work on and what we help you learn and discover for yourself. You don't have to live with pain and suffering, and you don't have to live with stress manipulating your emotions and actions. You can live in a way that is both flexible and strong. It's always possible to start living like this!

Our community is a safe haven where judgment has no place. You are not just accepted, but appreciated for who you are, whatever age you are, whatever you go by, and your unique identity.  

get our book about the love of yoga and tasty food

Everyday Inspiration
at CPY.